The West overrated itself: during two decades it has pumped billions of dollars into a underdeveloped country and has done huge human sacrifices. At the end, it failed. Now, Afghanistan is about to become an entity where tribes, groups, peoples, religion communities live in rivalry and fight against each other.
This is a turning point of the history and, in the forthcoming years, the West will be cautious not to enter in similar adventures.
The West failure is watched with undisputed satisfaction by Moscow and Beijing, while Islamists perform in Afghanistan, not so far away of their borders. They are threatening Central Asia's stability much more than Europe or America's stability. Therefore, the withdrawal of the West from the region will compel Moscow and Beijing to engage themselves much deeper at the site and for a long time. And they will not hesitate to proclaim shortly a new global order, with different power centres and influence spheres.
But the liberal global order, based on rules, doesn't arrive at any end, as high ideals and real values are still respected: dignity of each individual, parity of rights between men and women, freedom of speech, freedom of gathering, human rights respect and democracy… The West failed in Afghanistan, but it doesn't mean that the moral values have lost their importance. On the contrary, the sad and tragically evolutions that will probably happen in Afghanistan in the following months will prove to the world the rightness of these values.
America and NATO have to learn from their own mistakes. Since 30 years, military interventions have practically not ameliorated anywhere the situation, on long term. The defensive alliance of the West should concentrate itself on its main task, namely the protection of its own territory, and that for, perhaps, the total Afghanistan failure was not in vain.
After Afghanistan, a new global order?