On Wednesday, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, chief of the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA), has temporarily retired himself from his military functions, for launching his candidacy in expected presidential elections, due to take place next December.
Since the Muammar Gaddafi fall in 2011, Libya was afflicted by violence and fights between rivals from the Eastern and Western parts of the country.
Marshal Haftar, leader of the Eastern part, has stated in a press statement that he appointed a temporary replacement at LNA command till December, 24, namely general Abdelrazzak Al Nadhouri. This announcement occurs two weeks after the adoption of a disputed electoral law which allows Haftar to run for presidency or to resume his military post in case of failure.
On Tuesday, Libyan parliament announced the withdrawal of confidence in the National Unity Government, which has been elected last February by the Libyan Forum for Political Dialogue, sponsored by UN.
In the context, last Monday, in New York, French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has declared that his country will host next November an international conference focused on Libya, for preparing elections due to take place end-December. Organised together with Germany and Italy, this conference will start on November, 12 and will address also the question of the foreign fighters' fate in Libya, after the elections.
Libya: Marshal Haftar, candidate for presidency