At the present time, many international efforts are done for the stabilization of the situation in Libya, where practically two camps compete for the power, in the context of an endless civil war.
In 2011, after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, the situation has not evolved in Libya as the Westerners desired. Presently, for example, around 20,000 mercenaries and foreign fighters settle in this country, and Turkey and Russia are trying to expend their influence by taking advantage of internal divisions…
In the beginning of this year, under the auspices of UN, in Libya an unified government was created, into a spirit of transition to unity, stability and democracy, and general elections should take place until the end of the year.
All analysts consider that the Libyan conflict is fueled by foreign interventions: Russia is maneuvering through the private group Wagner Turkey has signed a bilateral agreement with Libyan government and has the permission to place a number of soldiers on Libyan soil, and there are a significant amount of Syrian, Chadian and Sudanese fighters as well…
The new appointed premier Abdel Hamid Dbeibah is the icon of reconciled Libya: in last months, he visited several key-states, as Egypt, as Turkey, Russia, Algeria, Italy and France.
The reconciliation in Libya has also positive results in the economic field, as the crude oil export resumed. In the context, Libyan prime minister had in Paris several meetings with French entrepreneurs, as he has came in France leading a numerous economic delegation.
UE has great interest that Libya becomes a stable and prosperous country, and for that, on June, 23, German capital Berlin will host a Pace Conference, under UN auspices.
A year ago, general Khalifa Haftar forces have tried - during an offensive backed by Russia and using Syrian mercenaries - to take control of the capital, Tripoli. They were promptly blocked by the Tripoli government, backed by Turkey's mercenaries. The fact that in Libya, currently, arms have silenced doesn't mean that rivalries ceased. French president Emmanuel Macron stated that Libya should regain its full military sovereignty, a manner of saying that without the exit of foreign forces, there is no assurance of a real peace. And on June, 23, in Berlin, France intends to propose a plan for progressive retreat of foreign forces from Libya, starting with Syrian fighters. An upcoming complicated moment in Libya will be the general elections scheduled to take place next December, without being defined until now the institutional framework. Libyan people don`t know yet whether will be invited at ballot for electing a parliamentary regime. Libyans are also asked to adopt a new Constitution, and numerous impediments still exist for that on the local background.
Reconciliation in Libya, possible and suitable