Almost 2.500 American soldiers and over 1.000 militaries from allied countries have died during 20 years Afghanistan war. Additionally, there are thousands of civilians, so-called contractors, who have backed the Coalition war efforts, as well as humanitarian organizations personnel and journalists. Also, there were Azeri victims, estimated to be between 165.000 and 240.000 dead. And the costs were also huge, around 2 thousand billion dollars.
Afghanistan's future seems to be bleak: Taliban regime, even if they keep their word and don't recall the '90 terror, the life under their rule wouldn't be easy.
Immersion in political darkness will come with a major economic crisis, and UN and NGOs have already warn about an imminent humanitarian crisis, which suppose delivering foodstuff and medicaments.
Peace is not at all sure, no matter what Taliban have alleged… In Panjshir Valley, a resistance coalition has been coagulated against them. Islamic State has got hundred but thousand fanatic fighters inside the country, ready to blow themselves among mobs of civilians. Since several years, Taliban are in war with Islamic State and they are not able to defeat it.
As Americans are concerned, they should manage the consequences of this failure: Yes, they have won almost all battles, as they have done in Vietnam. Yes, goals of the Afghanistan war have been achieved long ago: Al Qaida militants, including Osama Ben Laden, have been killed or detained, and survivors hide and there is little possibility that they could organize attacks similar to 9/11. But Afghanistan reconstruction, the building of a democratic and prosperous state, which is not a shelter for terrorists, have failed.
For Taliban and other several Muslim extremist, America was defeated, and that will be an back-up for plenty of Jihadists, from Asia until Africa, who will deem that they could win any war, as well as in their countries, in America or Europe.
Afghanistan’s future is rather bleak…