What could be the impact of the Ukrainian war on the Palestinian cause?

On the surface, the Ukrainian war seems to have very little to do with the Palestinian people and its struggle over the past 75 years. But the interests of Palestine are undeniably linked to this violent and unexpected war.

For the past 78 years, since the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, the United States has dominated the world as the world's leading power. So when the United States decided that one of its main global priorities was to support Israel's existence with significant financial and technical support provided each year, the Palestinian people had not only Israel but the States United in front of them. If and when the United States abandons this position, the strength of the Israeli government will be inalienably altered with consequences for Palestine that, at this point, are difficult to imagine. In the Ukrainian war, if Russia wins and the Sino-Russian alliance grows, Russia and China's partners will have a new range of possibilities, the world will be structurally altered and the Israeli-American alliance severely weakened. This war is therefore important for the Palestinian struggle.

In order to understand the above, let's start by looking at the Ukrainian war in terms of the struggle for world supremacy: American primacy has been deeply threatened by the Sino-Russian alliance. From the United States' perspective, war is the means by which Russia will be defeated and then divided into a number of smaller, dominating states.

Russia, on the other hand, is well aware of US intentions. It is its future existence that is threatened: the objective of the United States is to finalize the defeat of the Soviet Union and complete its break-up into smaller mini-states after the disappearance of the Soviet Union in 1989/90.

The struggle for Ukraine is therefore at the very heart of the global system of domination. For Russia, it is above all a struggle for survival and to remain politically and economically independent.

The flip side of American primacy is the constant struggle to maintain control of the US dollar exchange rate system. American global ascendancy has been and remains dependent on the control of the dollar system in international trade. The China/Russia deal and drive to trade globally in Yuan and Rubles threatens the core of American global power. The sanctions imposed from the start of the war were intended to weaken and destroy the Russian economy.

The Ukrainian war is important for everyone on this planet. For America and Russia, this is an existential war, neither can afford to lose or even negotiate peace.

For Ukrainians, it is a matter of life and death, of course. For Europe and especially for Germany, this could be the end of economic growth at least for a few years and the result could be even worse, especially for the poorest populations.

For the South, which includes large parts of Asia, countries in the MENA region and many others, the consequences of the war could be the failure of nation states or worse, as is already the case in Sri Lanka. For some, like China and India, it could lead to rapid development and, in the case of China, to the extension of the conflict with the United States and its vassal states.

The American objective is for Russia to be defeated, or for its economy to collapse, and for the Russian continent to then be divided into a number of smaller controllable states, much like Ukraine itself, like this arrived in Africa, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires and almost China in 1900.

China's rise as a competing global power has taken hold of the United States year after year for the past 40 years. Now, with China's alliance with Russia, US dominance in the world is in serious jeopardy. Russia's status as the world's second power is long gone with the rise of China. Russia was extremely impoverished by the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the rapid decline of its economy.

From this decline, a new world order was born, with the creation of new relatively small and weak national states in the West and South. Many of them, thirty years later, have close ties with NATO and the European Union. And the most dangerous scenario would have been a grand coalition of China, Russia and possibly Iran. Exactly what happened! It is now clear that Washington has come to the conclusion that American primacy can only be achieved by defeating Russia and then breaking it up into many smaller national entities. In other words, the continuation of processes that began in 1990, but which have not been fully completed.

The Ukrainian war is now a key part of the US struggle to maintain its role as the world's leading financial power. If the Americans fail to win and divide Russia, the new payments system outside of the US dollar exchange system has a good chance of success.

If that happens, American power in the world will drastically diminish and Israel's security will be greatly threatened. This scenario will offer new and great opportunities for the Palestinians as a whole and for their political leaders in particular.