Afghan peace talks as battling floods

On Wednesday, Iran facilitated the first notable discussions in a long period of time between the Afghan government representatives and Taliban — a formerly unannounced gathering that comes as the U.S. finishes its withdrawal from Afghanistan and districts progressively tumble to the Taliban nationwide.

The undeniable level of harmony during the talks between the warring Afghan sides follow months-old conversations in Qatar that have been slowed down by a strategic impasse and heightened viciousness. Indeed, even as authorities confronted each other across the vast tables in Tehran and Iran's top ambassador vowed to end the crisis, battling flooded in Afghanistan's western Badghis area.

The Taliban political board, guided by the negotiator Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, flew from Doha to Iran, to meet Afghan officials, including the former Vice President Younus Qanooni and others from the High Council for National Reconciliation.