Attacks of Islamic State in Syria

The Jihadist group of Islamic State has recently stormed a prison in the north-east of Syria and released an undetermined number of followers. The news was reported by the Syrian Observer for Human Rights (SOHR), located in the Great Britain, which has reliable sources in Syrian territory. The (Kurd) Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) confirmed an attack over its prison in Ghwayran, but not an whatever escape of Jihadists.

Accordingly to SOHR, a car-bomb exploded at the entrance of the prison and another explosion took place nearby, as the Jihadists stormed frontally the Kurdish guards of the prison. It seems that the attackers were members of dormant-cells of Islamic State who live in the neighbouring villages.

Following the Kurdish authorities' declarations, which rule a large stake of the northern Syria, about 12.000 Jihadists from 50 nationalities are presently detained in the Kurdish prisons.

Despite its 2019 defeat, the Islamic State continues to commit bloody attacks in the vast Syrian desert, between Homs and Deir Ezzor, at Iraqi borders. These attacks are targeting the Syrian army and its allies, as well as the Kurdish forces, backed by United States.