Is Iran ready for an accord on the nuclear dossier?

Referring to the incoming negotiations on the nuclear dossier due to take place in Vienna on November 29, in a short tweet, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Iranian foreign minister, mentioned that "we are ready to reach a fair accord". He doesn't make further clarifications, but pointed out that "the return of all parties to their commitments (taken in the 2015 accord) is an important and essential principle".

Nuclear negotiations between Teheran and Western powers are stuck since last June and the Vienna talks seek to put again on trails the 2015 accord, which limits drastically Iranian nuclear programme in exchange for a respite of the economic sanctions. In 2018, president Trump considered this accord incomplete and withdrawn US from it, while Teheran got rid gradually of its engagements. But Trump's successor, president Joe Biden, said to be ready to return in the accord providing that Iran would comply to its previous commitments.

The 2015 accord was conceived for preventing Iran to get the nuclear weapon, but Teheran has denied for decades the intention to built such a weapon and insisted on the peaceful character of its nuclear programme.