Syria’s prospects for reconstruction

Syria's civil war is 10 years old. The largest crisis, which began in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring. According to the latest data provided by ONU, about 90% of the syrian population currently lives below the poverty line.

The deaths caused by the conflict are about half a million; 5,5 million syrians have taken refuge in neighboring countries; another 6 million people are internally displaced, often moving from one locality to another. In addition, about 1 million people emigrated. Tens of thousands of missing people are added to the list. Syrias reconstruction policy has not yet materialized. The United States estimates that 250 billion dollars will be needed just for rebuilding the countrys infrastructure. Even if the Islamic State Organization has lost its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghadadi, the danger has not yet dissappeared. The north-west Idlib is still under government control. The russian- backed syrian armys operations since early last year to take control of Idlib from opposition forces have sparked confrontation with turkish forces, there to defend groups that it considers close to Turkey. Troops from Turkey, Syria and Rusia are still present in the region, creating waves of refugees on the border with Turkey.

Iran has been an important upholding for the syrian government in its fight against the armed rebels since 2011.
The economic sections of Defence Ministry, along with the iranian private sectors, are ready to participate in the reconstruction of Syria to meet the needs of our friend and brother country, Amir Hatami, the Iranian Defense Minister, said in a meeting with the visiting officials from Syria, at 19th May.
If no resources are not found for the reconstruction of Syria, the humanitarian crisis will continue.