UN aid for Afghanistan

Recently, UN Security Council adopted a US proposed resolution for a year humanitarian aid accorded to Afghanistan, in order to avoid a total economic collapse of the country. The document represents a first UN step towards Taliban regime in Afghanistan which is not recognised by international community.

In Kabul, Taliban spokesman said that the resolution is a "fair step forward" which "could support the economic situation in Afghanistan".

In New York, US ambassador declared that the resolution is "an aid for Afghan people, and it is not a blank check for Taliban regime". In this context, the text encourages the humanitarian aids suppliers "to minimise any direct advantages" that may be obtained in the process, and supposes a monitoring of the aids' destination and a six months rapport to UN headquarters.

UN officials stated that the resolution is due to allow to over 160 humanitarian organisations in Afghanistan "to better challenge the high level of needs and suffering of local population".

In Washington, US Administration already permitted new exemptions to the economic sanctions imposed to Taliban, for the ease of resolution's implementation. Since last August, US have frozen about 9,5 billion dollars of Afghan Central Bank and International Bank has also suspended any aid to Kabul.