Libyan marshal Haftar in seeking of Israel’s support?

Reports speak about an alleged attempt of the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar in seeking of Israel's support for his movement in the eastern part of the country. In fact, Saddam Haftar, the son of Libyan leader, would recently visited Israel and had secret meetings with Israeli officials in which he offered to establish relations between the two countries, in return for Israeli support.

The Haaretz daily reported that Saddam Haftar landed at Ben Gurion Airport on a private jet, which stopped briefly in Israel on its way from Dubai to Libya, and possible had meetings with "Tevel" department officers of Mossad agency, which deals with countries Israel doesn't have relations with. According to the newspaper, Saddam carried a message from his father, requesting Israel for "military and diplomatic assistance", in return for a pledge to normalization of relations between Libya and Israel similar to the accords established between the Jewish state and UAE, Bahrain and Morocco.

Israel has no official ties with Libya, which was a tough supporter of the Palestinian cause under Muammar Gaddafi dictatorship. Since 2011, Libya has been in turmoil and split between rival administrations in the East and the West, each backed by armed militias and foreign powers: marshal Khalifa Haftar is backed by UAE, Egypt and Russia, while the Tripoli authorities are aided by Qatar, Italy and Turkey.

From the beginning of Libyan crisis, Israel has avoided taking a public stance in the conflict, despite allegations of Israeli involvement behind the scenes. However, Israel is widely seen as being aligned with Egypt and the Gulf states in its regional policy.